In all probability this is not a true story but one of the "urban legends."

Midwestern housewife in Vegas

Karen, a Midwestern housewife, took her first trip to Las Vegas a few years ago. She had done very well playing the slot machines, winning a bucket full of quarters. Karen needed a break and she left the casino heading toward the elevators, taking her bucket with her.

She steps into the elevator and before the doors shut, three beefy and one slender, leather-clad African-American men step in. Karen (never having spent much time with African Americans) clutches her bucket close to her chest.

One of the men says, "Hit the floor, lady," and she does: quarters fly everywhere. The men bust up laughing and they help Karen collect her winnings. One of the men explains that he meant for her to select her floor. They help her collect her quarters and the elevator arrives at her floor.

She leaves embarrassed, and the men are still laughing. Later that evening, a dozen roses are delivered to Karen's room. There is a one hundred dollar bill attached to each rose.

The note attached read:
"Thank you for the best laugh
I've had in years!
- Eddie Murphy"


Why is this probably an "urban legend"? Because it circulates in many forms. And because a similar story has been told over the years with Wilt Chamberlain, Magic Johnson, Charlie Pride, and other black celebrities in the role of the gracious gentleman mistaken for a mugger.

2 Nov 1999
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