We in the church are called by Jesus Christ to "make disciples of all nations" (Matt. 28:19), and it is our joy to engage people with his transforming grace and truth.
Grace. Jesus gladly welcomed all who came to him in search of new life from above. To be a faithful communal witness of Christ's practice of welcome and hospitality, we as congregations will walk patiently with those who choose to follow Jesus and yet find it difficult to live out God's design for wholeness. We as a church need not agree on what form that patient love will take as we walk with, for instance, covenanted same-sex couples in our fellowships. What matters is whether we encourage movement toward God's intent for our lives.
Truth. In the Bible we discern the wisdom of God for our lives. This includes marriage between one man and one woman as God's intended context for receiving and enjoying the gift of sexual union. To be a faithful communal witness to the biblical vision of wholeness and shalom, we will teach this pattern as God's good design for us. We will refrain from marrying same-sex couples and actively encourage fidelity in male-female marriage and celibacy in singleness.
May the shalom of Christ shine through us, his body, as we live in grace and truth.