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• In the upper right-hand corner draw a circle (representing the world) and two stick figures within it, slightly apart.What's our world like? What do you see on the news?9
• Draw a squiggly line over the outer circle to represent a world in damage and shock.The world is messed up; that's obvious. But what's more interesting is the human response: how do you feel about this kind of world? (Answers might be "sad" or "angry" or "don't care." Listen and interact.)
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• Draw a new circle in the top left corner representing the world, but no squiggly lines. Draw people, who are not necessarily Adam and Eve, close together to represent intimacy and community.In the Christian worldview10, God created a good, wonderful world. In the beginning, everything was right with everything else.
• Draw the inner circle to represent God's presence with us.The world and all that's in it was designed for good.
• Write the words "Designed for good" at the top.But what happened to this good world? How did we get to where we are today?
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• Draw arrows that point inward to the people (represent self-centeredness).Us and the world. We damage creation -- drain her for her oil, and fill the air with pollutants so we can have a comfortable lifestyle. There are also other larger issues, such as racism, sexism, slavery, corruption, injustice and oppression that damage the world's systems.
• Draw a squiggly line right down the middle, splitting the people from each other.Us and God. We damage our soul and its relationship with God. We are afraid of God now, and in our fear, we try to ignore him and live for ourselves. But we are only hurting ourselves, and we will never be the kind of people that we want and dream to be. Gen 3:8-10
• Draw an inner circle, and then a squiggly line around the inner circle (represent shock and damage to our relationship with God).We -- and the world -- are damaged by evil. We're all contributing to the mess. Rom 1:21-2:4
• Write the words "Damaged by evil" in the top right.Where have you seen damage in your own life or the lives around you?
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• In the bottom right, draw the circle again with the squiggly lines of the damaged world. Draw an arrow coming down from above (representing God coming into the world's mess) and a cross in the center of the circle (representing Jesus).God came to the planet in the life of Jesus two thousand years ago. As Jesus confronted some of the persons damaging our world, they executed him on a cross. But that cross became the turning point of history!
• Draw people at the foot of the cross, receiving God's forgiveness, learning to love like Jesus.Us and the world. As more and more persons experience the reconciling power of the cross, the world's systems -- corporations, governments, etc. -- move toward God's values of love, peace and justice12. Our world begins to be restored back to God's original purposes.
• Draw an inner circle representing the Kingdom of God, where what God wants to happen actually happens.The good news: the revolution has begun, and we're all invited. Jesus came to restore the world and everything in it for better.
• Write "Restored for better" at the top of this circle.
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• Draw the outer circle again, again with the squiggly lines because the fullness of the Kingdom of God has not yet arrived. Draw the cross in the center again.Us and God. As we submit to Jesus' leadership and follow him in giving love even in situations where we might suffer, God fills us with his Holy Spirit. We become his presence, his body, on earth. We are examples of the good that comes when God's will is done, the vanguard of his revolution. Gal 5:22-23 Matt 5:14-16
• Draw the inner circle representing God's Kingdom and presence.Us and each other. We are in the world as a community of believers demonstrating healed relationships, freed to love each other. Eph 4:32-5:2 John 17:20-23 Acts 2:38-45 We encourage each other to live this new life. Heb 10:24-25 Two by two and in teams we go out into the world, inviting others to enter into the Kingdom of God and experience life that is restored for better. Luke 9:1-6 Matt 28:18-20
• Draw four pairs of people near the inner circle.Us and the world. We as a community, empowered by God's Spirit, work to heal all things -- not just people but also systems and cultures, governments and institutions. One day, when Jesus comes again, this revolution will be fully established; justice, love and peace will reign forever. Eph 1:9-10 In the meantime13, we're called to protect and heal the environment. Gen 2:15 We're called to fight injustice and oppression. Isa 58:1-11 Luke 4:18-19
• Draw the arrows leading outward, which represent God's Spirit, and God's Kingdom expanding.Many Christians around us have gotten stuck in the third circle, not helping to heal the planet. But with the power of God’s Spirit and with the community of God’s people, Jesus is asking us to be sent together to heal the planet.
• Write "Sent together to heal" at the top of this circle.
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• Draw 2 parallel lines that act as a barrier between the 2nd and 4th circles. Then draw 3 arrows: the 1st is blocked by the barrier; the other 2 show a path from the 2nd to the 4th circle that is through Jesus and the 3rd circle.So, which one of these worlds do you relate to? In the first, everything's fine. In the second, you're overwhelmed by the world's or personal problems. In the third, you've made some commitment to Jesus but are holding back. In the fourth, you're in the movement of God with his people. Where are you?
• If they choose the first circle, say:
"But we already said that the world needs help. What's your role in helping to heal the world?"
• If they choose the second circle, say:
"Tell me about it. Jesus is offering you a way to overcome it."
• If they choose the third circle, say:
"That's a great start. But it's clear that Jesus is asking you for more. What's keeping you from joining his movement to heal the world?"
• If they choose the fourth circle, say:
"That's great. What you're doing is in line with the values of the Kingdom of God. Would you like to be doing more with God's presence and with his people?"
"Jesus, I have been chasing my own dreams and living for myself. It's not only hurt my own soul but others. Please forgive me. I now give you leadership of my life, Jesus. I trust you and want to be aligned with your purposes. Help me be an agent of healing for the world, with your people. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen."Then I say, "Welcome to Jesus' community! You're now a part of Jesus' family. You're forgiven, and Jesus now wants to live in you. Jesus wants you to have the resources for this mission. Would you like to receive the Holy Spirit?" Then I place my hands on them and pray for the Holy Spirit to show his reality and presence in their lives.